Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Wedding in Kerala

What a treat! I spent last weekend in Kerala, India. Thili, a crucial employee at ASD, invited a couple of teachers and staff to help celebrate Meenakshy's wedding in their hometown. Meenakshy is Thili's only daughter so you can imagine the amount of time, effort, and planning that went into this very special event. I have only positive things to say about Kerala and this short, but eventful experience. The people are genuinely kind and loving, the food is amazing, and the scenery is so perfectly natural. It was great to see outdoor markets, kiosks, juice stands, narrow roads, old cars, real trees (in masses), and lots and lots of smiles!

Fresh Coconuts!
Elephants getting cleaned right outside a temple.

Tipaza la abu de la novia!

mmm mmm good! Comi con mis manos :)

The happy couple Sajin Dev and Meenakshy. So beautiful!

Soooo thankful for Thili! This trip was a great, humbling experience and I feel so very lucky to have shared this with
him and his beautiful family.

Next trip... Jordan!

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