Tuesday, January 5, 2010

It's about time...

Its been 5 months desde mi llegada, it's about time I start this blog. My very last visitor left Dubai today:( I was thrilled to have loved ones visit for the holidays, but it was very hard to let them all go. In the end the memories will stay..must stay positive!

So Dubai...where do I even begin...After dropping Danica off at the airport today I decided to ride the metro back to my Apt. This was my first time riding the metro since its grand openning on 9/9/09 (Prince's favorite # I heard). As I sat there rather comfortably I got another moment. A moment that pops the question in my mind "Do I really live here?" In front of me I felt like I was staring at a United Nations billboard. A senior lady from India wearing a beautiful sari, next to her a tiny Japanese lady who liked to match her neon green purse with her nail polish, right next to her an African lady wearing modern clothing and impecable make up, and sitting next to her an arab man wearing a starbucks polo. As each of these passangers got off on their stop, their seats were quickly replaced by another passenger who could have fit in just as easily into this UN billboard.
To 'disimular' my stares of wonder I look behind me and there it is! Burj Dubai The tallest building in the world..800 meters. Grand opening was yesterday, but I didn't make it because I preffered to hang out with Dano and Nato at Global village. Way more fun:) Tourists sitting next to me kept taking pictures and commenting in awe. So I guess I do live here..in this over the top, competitive always looking to become bigger and better land.

I've been asked by many of you..so do you like it there? I guess like in any place that you live I like and dislike some things from here....More importantly I'm learning a whole lot about myself, about people, and about this part of the world. Allright I got a start on this blogging, I hope to keep this up throughout the year. Quisiera mandar saludos a mi mama, a mi papa, y a todos los que me estan viendo! JAJAJJA:) hasta la proxima.


  1. Mi hijita bella,
    Te quiero tanto!
    Mi consejo es que you enjoy your stay - make it fun - para que no nos extrañes mucho. El tiempo pasa volando y no vuelve.
    I do too, miss you so much. Extraño nuestras conversaciones mañaneras, cuando te oía decir "Have a good day Ma"
    so, have a good day mi hijita today and every day of your life.
    I love you,

  2. Ter,

    Thanks for all you did for your sisters while they were in Dubai. I am sure your New Years will be one to always remember. One you will talk about in 2040 and beyond. Although we all miss Mom and I are very thankful for our little Ter, and willing to share her to the children and people of Dubai.

    Love you mamita,


  3. jajaja. AY taco, se te extraña che. You hit it right on the head when you say that you are learning about yourself, about people, and about the part of the world you are temporarily calling home. That's what its all about! Taking risks, being brave on the rocks, because if you don't go- you don't see.
    i love you and I'm so so proud of you!

    x, dano.
